A/ Roccado starts his show by introducing...
a) Today’s topic
b) Today’s menu
c) Today’s problem
B/ The topic is dealt with reference to ...
a) Business life
b) Roccado's family problems
c) Entrepreneurial spirit
C/ Roccado mentions that he used to whisper into his children's ears...
a) Words he likes them to understand as they grow up
b) Words to tell them how great they are
c) Series of philosophical words to inspire them
D/ Roccado defines “entrepreneurial” and “strategic” for his daughter as follows: (complete )
You are entrepreneurial meant you are good at strategically solving problems
“strategically” is defined as the ability to come up with an answer
to whatever you’re trying to figure out that is well-thought out
and has good chances of success and a good plan behind it.”
E/ Roccado explains the concept of “business strategy” . Fill in the blanks with details he provides
You’re trying to get to a specific job done in a specific way so that it brings benefit to ourselves and to others- employees, clienteles, and the world at large
When I’m thinking of strategy, I want to say what is the plan and how am I going to get there!